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Better Than Ezra Surprise Rar: A Fan's Perspective on the Album That Changed Their Lives


Solo led Rey, Finn, and BB-8 to the castle while Chewbacca stayed behind to watch over the ship. Solo explained that Kanata had the ability and the connections to get BB-8 to the Resistance. Once inside, their arrival prompted the attention of informants for both the First Order and the Resistance, alerting the respective groups that the fugitives were on Takodana. Rey and the others met with the diminutive pirate and told her about the map to Luke Skywalker. Kanata said she would not bring the droid to the Resistance because she believed Solo should, as he had been running from the fight for too long. Rey asked what fight she was referring to, and Kanata told her it was the fight against the dark side of the Force, one that had given rise to the Sith, the Galactic Empire, and ultimately the First Order. To Rey's surprise, Finn told Kanata that they could not win the fight against the First Order. Kanata sensed his fear, and Finn finally said that he could not bring the droid to the Resistance. He left to speak to two pirates,[7] Sidon Ithano and Quiggold,[22] about exchanging work for passage to the Outer Rim Territories and, when Rey confronted him, he admitted that he was a former stormtrooper and not a member of the Resistance. She pleaded with him not to go, but he chose to leave the castle and head to the Outer Rim.[7]

Realizing Ren had come to her without his mask, the scavenger had a feeling that he would never wear it for her again. His voice betrayed feelings of contempt as he noted Rey's desperation to prove herself as a Jedi to his mother. But in embracing her darker emotions, Ren believed that Rey had become as isolated as he was and that she was no longer able to return to Organa any more than he could. Rey nonetheless continued to defy him, confusing the Supreme Leader, who was surprised she could still resist. Continuing to provoke her, Ren asserted that the dark side was in their nature and urged her to surrender to it. Rey ordered Ren to give back the wayfinder, even pushing with the Force, but her attempted mind trick had no effect on Ren. With Rey panicking as she sensed his next move, Ren declared that she would never find Exegol unless she joined him, shattering the wayfinder in his hand.[16]

Better Than Ezra Surprise Rar

iiii i8 THE WASHINGTON HERALD HEB1ALDWEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 24 1906 ARADTKES QUEER llBER RIDE RIDESet RIDESetSet Down for Performance Performanceon PerforinaiiceonTonimyon onTonimy Tommy Waddell WaddellREFERRED W3dlellREFERRED WathiellREPPR1UFIDREFERRED TO JOCKEY OLUB CLUBMike OLUBJIU OLUB1IIIeMike JIU Clnirys Sprinter Twice Tnlseii TnlseiiUncle Tnlocmnncl TnkenflackUncle ami Ilia Chances of Victory VictorySpoiled VIctorySpollctlRyc VictorySpofleilRycSpoiled SpollctlRyc Uye Come to Life I Ire nnd nndWins nndJnN ondWinsWins JnN the GownnnK Slake Stnl c from fromJacobite fromJncoblte fromJacobitcJacobite the Favorite FavoriteNew lrnorltew FavoriteNewNew ew York Oct 3J Jockey ckejr Herman HermanRadtke HerntllftRadtke HerMafladtkeRadtke who last winter was wa M considered consideredthe eoMId conk1edthe nm nmthethe equal of Miller the premier rider of ofihe otthethe 1 he feastern E shrn turf had his license 1ICfl stw 8081mded U Uionded1 1mded ended this LhI afternoon by the steward of ofthe ofthe ofthethe meeting for what they term a crim criminal cr1mthai dm dminal inal ride an Tommy Tommy Waddell Mike Mikedairys MIkeClairys MikeIairydairys Iairy good sprinter Waddell was wR the theyecond theHcond theceondyecond choice in the handicap the third thirdrace third1CO thirdrxcorace 1CO on the th card and in hIs last race at atUeimont atlklmont atl3dmontUeimont Park Saturday he led a Held of ofhighclass ofighclass ofiughcthsshighclass horses for more than a aToday mile mileToday milerodaToday roda WaddeH was wa taken back by byKadtkc byHadtke byRtdtkeKadtkc as soon as a the barrier was sprung sprungand IIpruDSmd sprungandand the boy kept him in last position until untilthe untilt untilthethe t be horses bor es were straightened out in I the theretch th thrcteb1 retch Waddell ran all over his flW flWthe ftftJdin fkIdflin fl the next sixteenth and ud looked 1 Okd to be in ina inn iiinn position to give the winner an ii iiIhent argu argument argument ment when Radtke again took him back backand bttcknd beckndand nd kept him there the horse finishing finishingjust 11aifIhlRbju flU1hI flU1hIjustjust ju t outside the money The betds be betxMg Jndl Jndliatcd JodlI ndI ndItatediatcd Just where the horse would flnteh flntehund Anl8hInd ftnihindI Ind a clique kept hunching the price on onVaddelI onaddell OnWaddellWaddell addell from the time the dds were werefsrst weret weretustfsrst t rst posted and took all that was U ee ee1c1 Of1ezed f fleredlered 1c1 d The stewards of the meeting fteeUft re relerreJ re reerrel relezrealerreJ Radtkes case to the Jockey Club Clubwhich Clubhleh Clubnh1chwhich hleh will ill act upon it next n t week weekRyn weekRe WOOkRyeRye Beats Jncobltc JncobltcChristie JncobltcChntle Jn obltc obltcCizristkChristie Sullivan Rye well played by bylis byus1 lis is owner and friends at It to 1 came camesuddenly cameluJdenlv cameuJden1ysuddenly to life in the Gowanus Stakes Stakesfor Sakesfr Stakesfrfr platers plat r at six furlongs winning wtanln easily easilyby eaall easilybyby 1 a length 1rth and a half With Miller up upRye upRyc upItycRye Who had been badly beaten in sev several sevcral soyra eral ra races was generally HraU7 passed pesse up as the thesmart thesmart thesmartsmart people took either E R R Thomas ThomasJacobtt ThomasTacobltp ThOm8JacobItiJacobtt n to M I favorite or Frank J JFurrells JFarrells J JFtrreIlsFurrells Keator IS I to 5 5 second II choice choiceKtators eh choiceIators lce lceKtatorsKtators chances were killed by a ragged raggedstart ra raggedstart ed edstrrrtstart Miller got t off In good shape with withRyp v1tlHyc with1yRyp 1y who whosbowed showed all of his old speed speedand s smul speedanland came home swinging with Jacobite Taeo Ue In Inthe Intlfo infibthe place a length and a half before Wes Weslo Vest VestoJlo 1 to 1 The time was 11125 11125Garnish 113 5 5Garnl5b 5GarnishGarnish M i to 5 5 third choice ran ra a aline atine a1neline race In the event which got Radtke Radtkein Badtkinin i in f trouble t Koerner K took him to the front frontin flOlltin froatInin the middle of the back stretch the theRapallo tMRapallo theRapallaRapallo horse with top weight wd t t1lom breezing breezingLoir breeata breeataonLoir on thereafter beating DeaUa Delphle by b a aiouple atouple aoupleiouple of lengths In 1 141 S5 Cressina Cressinato CreIM CreIMrr r to 2 favorite was w wa two tw lengths leosthsjust back backjust heckjustjust beating bNtin Tommy Wmsdell 13 to toby i iby i ibvby a aJil nose noseJack noisJackJack Jil k Bennetts1 Bennett Macy jr 7 to 6 favorite favoritewas favoriteas favo1tewaswas as much the best In the second race for forplaters fOrrla18 forplatersplaters at a mile and a sixteenth coming comingt cmnIn cmnIntut tu > the judges j ea on the bit with four lengths lengthsto ength engthtoto spare pare in lttSfc 1J8 Ii 4 Columbia Girl I t tel telwas to i iwas L LWaswas second three lengths before Johns Johnstown Tob Tobtwn Johnstwn twn 48 to 1 with Delmore Dd 30 O to 1 1 1 a aneck anck aneckneck put ut of the money moneyJockeys monpyJockeys monyJockeysJockeys Miller and Korner did the riding ridinghonors r1dI r1dI1llmon rSd1n rSd1nionorshonors ionors each landing 1andi two winners winnersSummitry wtnnersSunnnnr winnersSummarySummitry Sunnnnr of the Event EventFIRST EentMFIRST EventsFIRSTFIRST RAXHEltokdieap R2CEi4s4 for ferf1lrloup tamyourelda twosmre six stefurlongs sixfirIoitfurlongs Main Iin Cksace 11 nt UoaMrJ Keener tald iH UK J I Hiaaumy R C to 1 aeeoad DsuwNa DsuwNaIi2Ii2 1 iBnoaiU I t Ml to 1thtnL 1 I tId Tfca ne 1 1JS Vi 5 ffl fflilorado BI BIIlorado iciIordoilorado AniaiM AnI and Oeavse S S Dark aaw JaIL raaSECOXD JaILStO mL4ECONDSECOXD StO D XACESeBing for forllllllrd tkreeyearolda threeyesT and anduiiward asdiiwarduiiward one and oneBiteeath daoes idles 1hs lUey Iscy Jr Jr9J Jrt439J M t Roat K T to S S woau If em OahuaMa ei Girl Vaa VaaI VallIn YsaThInIn ThIn I > istn n > I to S 5 eeood Jotestown tt Drafette N Nff 1 n 1 1 third one 1 141 M 3 Ddaaaie DesrrA1Wa51fl Cadfckaa CadfckaaAiuassin CIIdIdiIGalHl1S1Aiuassin lHl1S1 1 and Nellie 1Iie Born also ran ranTHIRD raILTHIRO rsnTHIUTHIRD RACBHaadfcap for all a ea one and andntdxtcflrth lidntos eMntntdxtcflrth ntos nt xtefttUs nfiea a a Uarniah m h3 Kocrncr M to toon iscnon 0 l DeIpI > eliie IM JliDfr M to 1 It atcaai atcaaiii r SMI ilia 111 i Tmny T l mny Waddell flah Fi Hawk Bwjr tajr sad aadItaitkrr sadIaiktrItaitkrr 1 ilUItCT ilw iI 1 ram ramlofHTM tanFIJIanl ranIMMriIlofHTM RACEThe IUCEnwfur Oowaoa floaabes Stakes adnsg adnsgr MI MIfrfur r thrcujrearoai th t frGWs sad npawd ast rIp Rfe RpeH190 H iMilkr M to L 1 woo JacvsMe I MT Komer II 11tt 10 MKoad md Wea We M II tileM Was M to ioL 1 I tbd lisa lisaI1 25 5 Bus Rtd l Mcertaa > Kesfer It Keat sad Itimnrfh Itimnrfhaa > i nin ninHFTH lallI tap tapIHFTH I In IFFH H RACK8eBiav for Matm twa t4Id t4IdtllI tweysreMw caroM caroMiilwiilw w > are I tire e tartans tuTksi Jsdsta Jcm a t BnawsQ i to I IIlhadno 1 1IIIiIUt1 Ilhadno M iNtn1 Natter JI to 1 L LjH atooni sd Varna VarnaHr oaoir oaoirHeOah> jH 1 i1 Ut SraW t Urn SQfer 8lk lasat 1 8ea Water Wst WstI11 Onee OneeriTnraa CJiaterlllcnriTnraa lllcn Msai I11 Qaws of fIlKIIitIIt KajsM WIssfaM W WIhb ad adHam eM1inaHam IhbSIXTH aba sisaslxrl jam jamSIXTHSIXTH RACikFor tfctaeyear threayerdd aid MHea ira ati x far farliiK twril 1wiuiu liiK il T to 3 Bertka BertkaK stbt stbtIK I M U Hemean 3 to 1 I iniiad atom atommrs iar iarFF > mrs 1 Ltl Ltlrr L > tri sad Oratu furajr IInJRRStIIS aay aha ahaiustirs k mm mmKBSUIrSKBSUIrS AT I VTO4VIA IA itqoxitIncinnati VTO4VIACinchutati TOl I IincmtiCinchutati Oct 28 Fa Faltes erkes were beat beatri 1Matin beatcpri in four of the six race nteM here today todaySummary teda tedalImmaJT todaypSummary SummaryFIRST lImmaJT lImmaJTfIKST p immaryFIRSTFIRST KACETkreefawtk CBlkft af a MIS Taer1 to 3 and cot Gat m Crafty 1 to I L atccad d The TheMn l1iIeldfft ThepnSECOND lUCftVOae sue ailet Mai 1w B cna and andI 2 2tt S wan AIHrta 7 to 5 aeeond s Ottenaaa eia thud tMrtTime tIdn tIdnTim thudTimeTime Tim 1 11115 11115THIKD uS 0 is isTHID i iTHIRDTHIRD KACBTkncfciRta IUB af a arifc OatiaaaL OatiaaaLi L Lid i to o 1 awl 1MI S to I w Lay IAJns I to t L aeeosd Mat Matti t third ont T laiJ laiJK t2t t2tJuCUTII 1M31 1M31VUttTWK JuCUTII r to 1 and S to L won PalM Fsa Me S to a I 5taPri4k aecaod aecaodMavrirk d1uJMavrirk 1uJ k tWrd Time 39 3 MUrTM M SLnK 3stiUrTM ti FTh KACETkWefonrUa IUCE rf a wife a F 1Pruch 1PruchS ejKk ejKkNunNun 1111 8 to 1 land aad S 3t1 to 1 L wa w Kia It Pepper S tie to I Imjml 1 1J 1jnd> mjml J jnd d MariBC i3ar tkM Time 10 10hlXTU 114 1 14 J5 J5IXT 3ShIXTILhlXTU IXT KACBOne mU Ue Fcnwdere i to 1 ADd andSS t 10 6 won Sfajwrity BeW Beta 1 to 1 ae eeesd OMl lady Uklyhthr IAfbI ladyJtirhthr I lf third Tkmc 1 111 102S 102SRACING 12 a aBAGIHG 5 5RACINGRACING CARD FOR TODAY TODAYJamaica TODAYJnmnlcn TODAYJamaJamaica JamaicalitUe JnmnlcnFtnt Jama ten tenFlyatFtnt anh 1whg Jeutir Msa MsaFabaauo 1 1rballDOrballDO Fabaauo JtWcr Ider JM ady tbs I IJilte lIsat lIsatLILUelitUe MiiiaHir Ottrfca C OMax Ukr LIIIIttuuL L Oaiatsj OaiatsjambTaes CesadyambaestuuL ambTaes Laudnaaa Ua us tr ID 0 Oibs pHM IM IIIjIfw tack tackr ac acNkseyNksey NkseySecond jIfwjIfwlCODdSecond racr taer6sths E III se and ster JIIIIeIL JIIIIeILl siI siILtisl Ltis r > rU H 8 M Mntt MB I Grand G Docacta DttdIe8hllt M He Heittredjy Mehittredgohllt hittredgo ittredjy 96 Soaoaa India II Woodaman W MS MSVinifm W3mlfmi IKIrnrrcNlVinifm mlfmi A 9T G L L M 8 J 1 F Dotwanw DcII Donuisne1izz1e W WThird III1117zW1117zW l lThird 111 111ThirdThird raceSelHas JI raceSeIha SelliDr ire and onehalf crimp f1IrVattttl1 turioapaVatethrr crimpVvaterUinVvaterUin Vatethrr B t1aast losrrcD 1 STCD Acrobat 1 lit each Umbrella Korrin Ml Mlnch IIIIlh t ttteiinch Izirow nmt riaod 11a J each Adwn t Ocnkra KRIll Kaak9ri KRIllto 1ta 1taeach9ri each Taunt M Wootatartlr V Bojal Ja1tlIJl1h tsaI Ben liesxrtIi MS MSFonrtliFonrtli xrtIi raco rarO One aDd ooeatrteenttt oaHIbt mUss Ho Holoddj licit licitIoddJ HotIrddyloddj 117 li IronsWea ID D A ArkUrta ill 1 Was Wa Mi MiOrilcuc 115uriJwc leSPri1caeOrilcuc 10T 1O Ben Baa Ml Rye Belle of l PeqeM 4ueat 4ueatIXIX 1 each lell ch Ziiiiap M BetMere Ill IllFifth I1l 1121fthFifth l rlb ran r1tllandkap Handicap ak fcHongs Vootbeea Voerbea m mMimrt mIflnrt 321MmrtMimrt Iflnrt 119 Athlete tIlW lit 12 Bryan Ill Monterey XeftfIJ1AIPODl Mt Mtlnmona isPlnmoottlnmona Flush 102 102Sixth IG2 IG2Sixth liiSixthSixth racy ta taelIIug Selling Ilinc one and oaw esedxteanth dxteartfc adios IiIiJesJobA adiosJohn HflesJohnJohn LYle Ly 1C A IodaJ M aoday MS rfeaoesn MO MOju 100ju MOjustju just t lcv N vy tiw t Sweep c > > lOG Jtama JtamaSmIdli Itauz ItauzSeroth Um MX MXSwreetJiSwreetJi rawSis furkwtf UabtaMn Ilcnawa IlcnawaJolm JI JIJohn ilossasiJu1nJohn J I nrtI errs LitckenNK Ll1Ckenlllek Lord Pfte PIlle Prince Kor Kortuiiataa JoOItuutaa Fcittuiatustuiiataa Kinrp Royal Men an IM each tIIdaKmc Vrnslu VoeniKingKmc llrwab Bnuh Sophie ie Garter Casti Csptlv AMbnah A Tar Torbulencr TIarbul Tarbulaarcbulencr bul a 1 III aacfc aacfcItnskctlmll taIhlilctlmll sc scBasketbailItnskctlmll League Starts Tonight TonightThe TonIghtThe TonightlheThe Washington City BasketbarLeague DaaketLeague T tague will start the season this evening eveningthe eveningHc eveningttethe Corcoran C an Cadets playing playj the Canrons CanronsMM l the Center nter Market Armory ThomrWW v McGrew will referee There The will ill L Ltlarcingarcing after the f game uneTWO mVOEITES ORITEs WIN WINIVnn WINTnu WI WIWaitWait Actcll anti Fljinxr l1 bhllr Jim Take TnlicThree Tnkehree TakeThreeThree hree gtrnlffht nhht HcntK HcntKBaltimore Jleltll Jleltllftltlmorc ilenticBaltimoreBaltimore Md Oct 28 STO Two events eventswon eventswon ovontsWonwon by the favorites in stral trlli hi heats heatsand1 Jlo heatsntV ts tsaftdaftd and1 and1another ntV 1 another contest undecided qter ier six sixwellcontested sixwelleonteated sixweI1contestedwellcontested heats provided fie the h n1 n1granune pro nrogramme programmegramme of the opening days raping rng Ing lit litthe wtthe t tthethe Gentlemens Driving Park this t1t tbl after afternoon afternoon afternoon noon noonTile noonTue i iTheThe SJ5 class pacing had the talent taJentguC8 t3ntguessing I Iguessingguessing guC8 ing Tony Gamble won the t nr lirE ftnthoot lirEheat t theatheat handily but in Ute other he shot shothis shotW shothishis bolt and was never again dangerous dangerousThe dangerousThe dangerousTheThe second and third heats went to Ap Appolio AppeUo Appoliopolio and he was heavily played to win winIn winIn wisInIn the next heat John Elder Eld r sprang a asurprise itnrprllle asurprisesurprise by by winning WlllRlng after a sharp drive driveEWer drIveElder driveElderElder was then made favorite but a new newRichmond newRichmond newRichmondRichmond appeared in the fleWy I1eItIY eh1 and andRuby aOORuby andRubyRuby Fry took tho next n t two heats Jte tL The Therace The1JCQ Theipeerace was then postponed until tomor tomorrow to torow tomorrow row rowWan Wan ActeD and Flying Jim won their theirrespective theirrespoectivQ theitrespectiverespective heats off oreot Of Use 9le reel Sum Summaries smmaries Summarten maries mariesKbit mariesJIInt martenFirstFirst net IS t elsa tMe JlMlllioJMIIW capwse iwae NS uJ a iinl I 10 n nAwotl d dAispoht If IfAJIPQIIAwotl lkKct B lwr 1 1 1 i J JICubr > JIt 3ItchyItchy It Fry fNtftmi > I 6111 6111John Ii 1 1 1 1Johu IJohnJohn KMer Hadrick 9 S 4 1 t 1 1Tow ST 2TonyTow T CkurtAt HiWNaM 11 1 3 S is 8 S 4 4La 4Lri1 4LadyMeyrmssiLa Lri1 LadyMeyrmssi Mar 11 TjWnJ 6 623 2 3 4 fHanl 43 43lEant r rHartHart Bird S 8ft S set rt 4 4 4hex t tUex I I IHexHex Leader lirawky CRn fi f 3 J7Me 37mde I IZdaZda Gibboiv fO 73 7 S 9 T Tri TriMiM i i111M 7theMiM the Jwrpbtoe J Josei iae HVMmti BH is 8 SI 9 Sdr SdrDufc S SD SDteDufc D Uatton I 7M 7MTiSK 711TiIRe Me MelIm5 >TiSK TiIRe S2 3t 3 S = fl i M 2 m i JM H S 2i1 M M I IscrJ 2lt 2ltSecond lfc lfcSecondSecond race S des M tnttteff trW JNWM WO WOWas 0V 0 0WeeWas V Actdl WtWw 1 1 1 1Axtatsr 1uta 1tztaterAxtatsr uta OiHesntet OIIlee 4 4v 1 S SDan 2DesDan v S s fTaweH fTaweHXrttfc 1 C J t tettie SNettleNettle ettie Mar Iu Ended BuriscHattie a 11 11HaUie 7 > 3HattieHattie Ka Kill K Limber Twig Ola HMW > I C T TM TMastsM Masts wie Jnckson Juk FIINItL I1e Pteeh J 14 14XcJa 9 9McNay 6McNayXcJa McNay l1a l1anIton tilead tileadBoitot D rt rtBrttonBrtton G iLHtfwfet iLHtfwfetLady lL rl tndwk i iLad1 is isLadyLady BOa bm I Ftaafcl Pos S 9 S STim SSjlM 3ThaeTim J2 2 ia lt sat satThird SjlM SjlMThird 31111ThirdThird nee JW JJiIFIsiIw des v a w mme JUt JUtFlyinc N NFlsiiicFlyinc Jim lOoseS Chariw Han GI Mam MamStonewall t t I IBteuewaU 5SisgewallStonewall Obaoce taa Eaater Boy Hedriek edriek T t W 3 3Star SStar 3S4aiStar laM Lien Gottal Giathwieg f S S SWflbe ISc1riItgSc1riItg wieg la Hii5II 12 Ii S SiIHe 3WillieWillie iIHe Vtat NORM NORMCan r I T 1 1Ga IGasCan Ga Gentry Y Sc Be Patrick Gray OrartWinoBoat Ora I I n nVI ItWilineastWinoBoat VI aieaml MM MMHency D II IIlie is ishoarylie a C OBka 1 1GOLF D DJ1BteJ1Bte Thee J71h J7t 2M3 21011 21011GOLF tN tNGOLFGOLF ON Ot CHEVY CHASE LINKS LINKSFall LINKSFall LINKSFallFall Tournament Begins Thursday Thursdaywith Thursdaywith Thursdaywithwith Large Entry List ListRecent ListRee ListRecentRee Recent nt Rnin Rains in Excellent Condition COIHHtlonThlrtcel1 COIHHtlonThlrtcel1lrheM ConditionThirteenPrizen Thirteen ThirteenPrizePrize to He Offered OfferedLoeal OtrcrctlLoeal OficrcdLoeaiLoeal aoiceiv pIf goe era will 4 encjvss gg In t the tJIeCaU monad nsonndfall monadfallfall tournament t this week NIt whoa the theChevy tbeCher7 theChevyChevy Cnnse Club hoMt K K moetfc meeting g on onit ORIw onItsit Iw own links aks Entries have been re received reeet recalved calved eet from so many players that the thesuccesg thellUCCatJ thesuiesuccesg suie of the tournament i Is assured and andall adall andallall that tlIa t the club could wish for is three threeday tillda threedays t 7 WssIIseae WssIIseae3Is3Is au IMI IMIPIftIl 1541P11thPIftIl JaCIt maikaudywlas un Assnt UM UMIWes5es s5eslhe1 lhe i 3d 19 rsths U UIV 245ar5ar 5arth IV IVIkdtIkdt th eet anetboet two ads an aM aMJtkbeIiar let letnlthdiosJtkbeIiar sa 1b x ac acDj MI MICeCe hayes 2I IIIIek IIIIekIWte ldtleSeDjleSe Daftly Dale WJIUUjaweii Wi WiIUrtnL iil Mathusa MathusaD MathusaBUCK Bf BfDasMUDasMU D atartm atartmBUCK IUrtnLBUCKBUCK EWING AT REST RESTFormer REST1o RESTFormerFormer 1o rJller Sporting Companions Iny InyTribute Ia IaT IayTributeTribute T lhute to Old Bull Player PlayerCincinnati IlnycrCkicllUUlti PlayerChicinnittiCincinnati Ohio 0 Oct 2Tbe funeral of ofWilliam ofWID ofVIHlamWilliam WID Bock Ewtng the famous ball ballplayer lMJIplayer ballplayerplayer was held this afternoon from rein his hislt hisIAt hisIntolt Into resMtnetf J etIIM 3R Worth street in this thiscity th18elty thiscitycity cityTheThe ceremony was quite lengthy RevVllliam Rev RevWilliam RevWilliamWilliam Stevens St a Baptist minister mt Mter of ofDayton orDayton ofDaytonDayton Ohio an Intimate friend of the thefamily theJly thefamilyfamily Jly oHIdated while J G Howard HowardFerris HO1 HowardFerris ffl fflFerrillFerris cf c this city a former ball player playerand pl p1aerand er ertuHIand colleague of 0 Ewing delivered an aneulogy Aneu aneulogyeulogy eulogyThte eu eulogyThiseuTltisThis was followed by two Elks EIk Ritual RitualBurial RitualBurial RitualBurialBurial was at Mount Washington Wa hlngt The Thepallbearers TilepaJlbeanrs Thepallbearerspallbearers were John McPhee the once oncefamous OJtct OJtctfamous oncefamousfamous second baseman Frank Hahn HahnThomas HalnThomas HahnThomasThomas Cogan Frank Hancrof tN secre secretary seCfLtary secretaz tary taz of the Cincinnati etilctnnatt ball club Harry HMITStump HarryStump HarryStumpStump and John Weimer all of them themfriends thomfriends themfriendsfriends of the deceased The Miami MH MHtary Military Milltarytary Institute Jn Utute sent a delegation of toil uniformed unlformet1 toilformed formed cadets out of respect for the dead deadplayer dOttdplayr deadplayerplayer who instructed their ball team teamMany teamMan teamManyMany Man floral pieces were received not notably notablY notaby ably from August Herrmann president of ofthe ofUte ofthethe national commission the Elks me meChicago lileChIca LuteChicagoChicago ChIca o New N York and Cincinnati Mil Milciofes MIlch1M hailclubsclubs John T Brush and also from ac actors attOlll a atore tors and public men in New York and andChicago andCblcal andChicagoChicago CblcalsPORTSSPORTS IN GENERAL GENERALPennsylvania GENERALPerm GEERALPennsylvaniaPennsylvania Perm will not accept the invita invitation InvItation invitatine tion of Wisconsin to row a dual race racePenney racePnD8 racePenneyPenney has all the races in the East that thather thather thatherher crews can she up time for and the theexpense thee theexpennoexpense e pen e of a Western trip would ould be too toogreat toogreat toogreatgreat for them themThe themThe themTheThe tateet athletic departure at the Uni University Uninmty Unversity versity bf Wisconsin WI5 IoMIn which 1 Is proposed to be held on Lake LakeMendota LakeMendota LakeMendotaMendota between Wisconsin and some of ofits oCIts ofitsits rivals at Poiujhkeepslc This may take takethe takethe takethethe place of the customary visit East Eastwhere Eastwbere Eastwherewhere Wisconsin Wiscon n has always ahvnysshown ahvnysshownstron alwaysshownstrong shown shownstrongstrong stron though never ver as a winner against againstsuch ft againstSuch ttln t tsuchsuch crews as foroeil Pennsylvania or orSyracuse orSia orSyracuseSyracuse Sia A rowing coach is to be en engaged engaged engaged gaged this winter and the men placed in intraining intminln intrainingtraining tminln early Lake Mendota provides providesanan excellent course course as it is sufficiently sufficientlyprotected sufficientlyprotected sufilcientlyprotectedprotected by b wooded wo dedbAnks banks not to be easily easilysusceptible cnsflys easilysusceptIblesusceptible s pUble to sudden squalls and a race racecan racecan racecancan be watched from ail portions of the theshore theshore theshoreshore shoreIf shoreIf shoreIfIf plans J bns completed are aresucceasful successful Arner Americans Arnerleans Arnerloans leans will be able to see the greatest boat boatrace bOAtI1tce boatracerace that has ever been contested The TheIdea Thek ThebleaIdea k eA is to oppose the winners of the thePoughkeepsie thePoughkeep thePoughkeepsiePoughkeepsie le and New London regattas ragattasand regattasand s sanc1and the winning crew rew In the great Oxford OxfordCambridge OfordCambridre OxfordCambridgeCambridge race which is annually eon eontested COllte contestedtested te ted on the Thames In England The Theeffect Theteet Theeffecteffect teet of this will be not only to decide decidewhich dacldewhicb decides1iichwhich of the American n crews is entitled entitledtu entitledtutu the college championship but also to toselect toelect toselectselect a worlds championship cbampi nshlp eight ight which whichwould whichwould whichwouldwould be practically unbeatable The Theproposition Theproposition Thepropositionproposition has been under l dr consideration considerationfor consld tlon tlonforfor some time > and the plan is to hold the therace therace theracerace on the James River next year at the thej theJa thoJamestownj Jamestown Ja to1n ExpositionLocal Football Schedules SchedulesOdobtr SchedulesGeQrgcto SchedulesCcqrgctowuGeQrgcto Ccqrgctowu CcqrgctowuOulobar n nOciG1Odobtr r K WWublRgtlln Washington and Lee LeeNeiwnbw LtcNeRmbtt LettemtibNeiwnbw temtib 3Xorth Carafe OIroItIfa at t NsrfaJk NsrfaJkNeTenaber NrftlkNOTember NerIMkNoveniberNeTenaber MYirgiaia MYirgiaiaNotwnbw 11111I1Ncnem1Jer 15VirginiaouombrNotwnbw ouombr 17VJretafa Military Institute InstituteNarrator IJYtltuteNenm1leT instituteNeyetnberNarrator JtUidrewlty at siNonnuber JlMrUnd JlMrUndGCOFKO fA 1I1d 1I1dNonmherNonmher 5OecIrp Waa1tl Waddagifte WaddagifteGeorge gt t1GeorgeGeorge Wasnliiffton WasnliifftonOctober WasblnwtonOctober Vnflb hllrt on onOcloberOctober 27VVesUra Maryland MarylandNovember 1lalJknclNOYftHOOr MarylandNoyestbrNovember 3Vwt Virginia VirginiaN VlrgleiaNamnber irPttlL irPttlLN8lfBherN N8lfBher T nlr KWashfogUm It w and andLme andLmeNarcaber Loe LoeNeTtrabcr I1JeN8TmtNeTtrabcr N8Tmt IT ITi > irgiafe irgiafeNoreiaber IrgtataN IrginlaNunemberNoreiaber N nmher S6 5Georet4 3GeerttutvnKendall Kendall Green GreenOctober GreenOctober GreenOctoberOctober 27St Johns JoIm at AwtipaUi AwtipaUiN0r AlMUpeIIsNOYtHlbeI ASEpalitNormiberN0r NOYtHlbeI b r 3Itoefc It HOI Cetttsc CetttscNercffiBcr C8tkeNeTw1ec CollegeNeTUtiberNercffiBcr MMt WsthJwstiw w atBaltl atBaltlraare at 1Ba1tI 1Ba1tImare Ba1U Ba1Umere4 4Nerembarmere raareNtreraber mereNereIBNrNtreraber ITDalttoora Uiilnnttr UiilnnttrIHffh U Usiverst7hIlgit lfellUr lfellUrllhtltIHffh School League JcnueAIMrbu LeagueAsetican LennaeAmericanAmerican Leatwe Lea = WrfeJ WrfeJOctoher lirltjOct IIrkJOetsrOct MT W1Vcba4c 5 Taehnlel l TS Wartera WarteraNoTcralier WeMWiNotetaher tenI tenIiOTIRlberNoTcralier 2Central Zc tral T n Tedwical TedwicalNaremacr TecIHdcNmr TerbudaelNortaibarNaremacr aer t SWestern West m vs CentnL CentitLMIDDIES CentnLMIDDIES CentnLMIDDIESMIDDIES VS MARYLAND MARYLANDSailor MARYLANDahIoraSailor Moot the UpStntc Tenin in inLast inlaMt InIastLast Mldivcck Gnme Today TodaySpectal TodnIn The Wafktagtaa W UenUd UenUdAnnapolis linaldAnnapolis 1 1AnnaPOJlaAnnapolis M uild 11 Oct i biTbe The midship midshipmens mldhl mldhlmons midshipmuns mens football team will play the eleven ekrvenof elevenot elevenofof Western Maryhmd Gollago COtI C ftllgo o on the theNavalAcademy grounds tomorrow after afternoon aftCtnoon afternoon noon and it will he the last midweek midweekcontest mld1eekcontest midweekcontestcontest on the middies schedule It will willateo willaltlo Willalsoalso be the Jut game with the smaller smallercolleges mallercOlleges smallercollegescolleges The remaining remaJDf games on the theschedule tb tbaeooule thescheduleschedule prior to tb tb groat and ttnal ttnalstruggle IInatrugcle Ilnalstragglestruggle with West Point at Philadelphia Philadelphiaonon December 1 will all oe with heavy and andstrong antitron andstrongstrong tron teams of fairly good caliber two twoof twoot twoofof which especially have been making makingaa strong showing this season Saturday Saturdaynext sa ioturdaynext tulcJay tulcJaynextnext the middles will have nave as their op opponents oppOllenta opponents ponents the heavy aggregation a esatlcm of Buck liuekrtell Bucknell Buckitchnell itch College of Lewlsburg Pa and ad on onfoe onWle oilIkefoe four following Saturdays Satur ays in Novem November NOMnIter Novemier ber they will play Pennsylvania State Col ColIfeg CoIr 001feefee r Swarthmore Swar th more University of North NorthCarolina NorthCaroUna NorthCarolinaCarolina and Virginia Polytechnic last Institute InaUtute lasttote tute in the order named namedThe namedThe namedTheThe middles should be able to roll up uplarge a ahUge alargelarge score against Western Maryland to tomorrow to tomorrow tomorrow morrow and a victory is also expected expectedover expeeteclover expectedoverover Bucknell Buckn U on Saturday But the two twwgames twubmea twogamesgames which will be hard ones for the tbvlocal tmloeaJs thelocIslocal will be State College and Swarth Swarthmore SWllr11Imor Swirthmore more mor State Stat held Yale down to 18 points pointson poIfttaon poiflIsonon Saturday Sa tunlay last and th the big b men of ofSwarthmore 0Swartbmore ut utSwarthmoreSwarthmore triumphed over University of ofPennsylvania oCPenUYlvanla ofPennsylvaniaPennsylvania two t WOo weeks ago agoHATCHETITES agoHATCHETITES 0 0HATCHETITESHATCHETITES IN SHAPE SHAPEGeorge SHAPEGeorge SHAPEGeorgeGeorge AVnMhintrton Ready Re dy to Sleet SleetWestern 31cetVeterl1 MeetSestcrnWestern Maryland larlnnll d on Saturday SaturdayGeorge Snturdl SnturdlGeoree SatUrdayGeouteGeorge Washington University plays pia her herold herokI heroldold rival rival Western We rn Maryland at Van Ness NessPark N NPark NessParkPark next Saturday afternoon and from frompresent tronapraent frompresentpresent indications the game should be bec10M a aclose acloseclose one None of the local boys wan wanused W1IJUHd wa wausedused up in the game with Swartbroore Swartbroorelast Swthmore SwthmoreJut Sw rtbmore rtbmore141stlast week week and with wtthtawable favorable weather weatherfronr weatherfmn weatherfyfronr fy now on they should be In prime primecondition prtmemdIUoD primeconditioncondition Gibson Gtblon Lorando and Moore who sot suffered sulfered sotfered fered slight t injuries in the early ad adhave ammo jeajcnhave ammohavehave all entirely recovered venCI and with withLacariani wtttcarlanJ withLacazianiLacariani who played a star game Sttt Sttturday Saturday SutUnlayurday at Swarthmore to brace up the theback tbebaek thebackback Held and create SOBM 10 competition for forfull torfull forfullfull back ck work everything every seem bright brightfor IM1Ptfor brightforfor the Hatchetites HatchetitesWestern HtchedtWestern ItchedteaWesternWestern Maryland defeated GaUandet GaUandetlast GaIJa GaIJalast GIIaUdatiastlast Saturday by a score of 29 to toceI d and andcmnpttrms andcomparingcmnpttrms ceI comparing George Washington against the Nut NutbAre Mutestbre Mutes Mutestbretbre can be no doubt that the forthcom forthcoming foruapm lortheoming ing game with Western Maryland will be beworth Hwerth beworthworth seeing seeingTo seeingToITo Transfer Kaolliall Game GameSpecial CametoSpecial to TB n Wssataptu W WI7Rchburs n fad fadLynchburg oaLLynchburg ILynchburg a Oct 1NeKOdattoas 1NeKOdattoasare Negotiations Negotiationsareare pending pendI ng looWfig loe1dn tq the transfer of ofthe ofthe ofthethe football game acheduled ochedutod eche Ii I between betweenDavidson 1teweeaDavtdsoa betweenDavidsonDavidson College Co and the Vtrgtoia Irguis Poly Polytechnic PoI7techalc PoSytochnk technic Institute Ilt te from Roanoke B where bere It Rwae Itwu Itwaswas originally to be played to Lynch Lynchburg LyJMII1Marr Lynchburg burg The game i Is to tak taU wlace on Nov No November o ovembor vember v r 17 Thi TItIa move fat made bjr b the themanagement thentaDqemftit themanagelnentmanagement oY the V P I eleven leY be because H because cause cau it is claimed the attendance at atthe atthe atthethe recent re at V P IWBUam IW IIua and Mary MaryCollege MaryCollege af7 af7pmeCollege game in that city eft drew a aerowd small smallcrowd smallcrowdcrowdArmy rn uti I1l1cI l Anvy aiy Wine WineThe VJn VJnThe Inlll InlllTMThe Army I1II7 anal Navy Prpjraiory School Scnodyesterday ScIIooI7fttenky Schoolyesterdoyyesterday defeated the Central CeMndScbooI High HighSchool HighSchoolSchool eleven by the scare of I to a S Tire Tireifame Tb TbpftIf Theiaflieifame was wa played at American ABMt1eaaPuk League LeaguePark LeagueIarkPark before ore a large crowd of Ugh cho7i 1ICbo acbolstudents cho7istudents l l1MkDUIstudents 1MkDUI Central scored a touchdown touchdownbut t8aCb40wnt touchdownhutbut t failed to kick goal and a am the end endof eRdof endofof the game drew d near It seemed IHeIDedt as asthough asthoughthough t these five ftv points would 0u1cl wta Ar Army Army Arany my and Navy however forced th UN ball ballover balloftr balioverover Centrals line and kicked Jdd ed a goal thus thusgiving thus8h1n thusgivinggiving Warwick nrwlclH Defeat Second Navy n Team TeamThe TenmThe TeanaTheThe Warwicks arwleks yesterday defeated the theApprentice theApprentke theApprenticeApprentice Boys of the navy yard by the thescore thexore theseorescore of 10 to 6 At A t no time were the theJunior Utejuator theJuniorJunior machinists within striking distance distanceofof scoring but their ttK > lr defense throughout throughoutII the contest was wa brilliant Millar and andI andl andlCro andCrossI Cross made several gains 1D8 around arou left end endfor endor endforfor or the athletes while Berkely played well wellfor wellfor wellforfor the sailors Jlo The navys were w re forced to tokick tokick tokickkick many times while the club boys re resorted re reaortetl resorted sorted to forward pone peDeS which were weregreat wereGreat weregreatgreat grown SIOUDJ J gamers gamersJiophx pJftusoph gainersophsJiophx oph ophs Win in Pushball Game Game1IIr Gamea3 eesa la Tag Waantuntau W bII Haaats HaaatsLexington JI JILexl ilmidLexingtonLexington Lexl OD Va Oct 28 IThe The tonsher tonsheralded longheraided ber beraided aided pushball contest between the soph sophomore sep11omore ph phomore omore and freshmen fre b classes c of Washing Washington ton and Lee University took place this thteafternoon U Uafternoon thisafternoonafternoon on Wilson an Athletic Field before beforeaa large and enthusiastic crowd Tho Thosophs Thosopbs Thesoiplissophs who numbered 75 7i against lit men menwon menWOA muonwonwon by S13 13 points to the freshmens noth nothing nothIng notiting ingFootball I Games on tintnrday tintnrdayOeei tiaturdayCeetidseti ntnrIIn IOeei Ceetidseti eU v 11 VfuMm iMtm aa4 Lm Let at Geaw Geawtow CaineJeretow towOeorse Oeorse W WaaMaatOM v fl Westers w 34ftiytaml at Y Yax Yaxysa aR n nK 1 1NeMK NeM M Park ParkOasmatot lrkGeJlaIllht ParkOslioudetOasmatot w N St St Jate I JaI at AuwssMj AuwssMjKortto ArX4rit Atsmg4lawthKortto wth GaraHam n V 1 P l I at Ktckmaml KtckmamlHani n nllAn 1IMISStIHeroidHani r1111i fs We Welt Pas 1 Petal at We We P I IYak itsiat itsiatYala N NYaleYale m AaNwtt aIMI ai a New Harm HarmPrtaeeton 1I 1Icen HaresPIsosicnPrtaeeton T i Cornell at JfewYwfc JfewYwfcUatnrHtr Xt9IYkUIdwnltJ eor York YorktinhosallyUatnrHtr of I Ieousylaaak HB lraai m JwMssa J at rhftedd rhfteddiMa rJtlltHktDartMoclAla rsisadsiDartaoelhiMa iMaDartanathDartanath va wHnaav at Syikigiilil SyikigiililTnSla SpelasoidTnz IeWTAbTAb TS Maine at 1 1TrIIlit JMConL JMConLTrinity MedfdTrlaityTrinity TrIIlit is TIL Sria Sriipgde1d > kId S M T S 5 at Springs SpringsSwarUmnre S SSwart Sps4elebi Sps4elebiSwrthisoreSwart Mare ra JeUysborjr at atIkMd SfartlNaa SuwibomsBoudolui a aIkwdoteIkwdote n s Dates at at1aialtlo Bnraawfck BnraawfckCioi IimldikzoCioi 1aialtlo AnMpoHs T ft ItockneU at 1 1leu Aaaapafle AaaapaflePom taiipi taiipiInmPom State Tt Vilk X XMa wa at State SM GsHaea GsHaeaHokftit 0eIIeDaHMirt Cs14eeHOSMItHokftit TS St St I JAwtaee iwreace at a aLeIdtIIt Oaatas OaatasLeWgk lstoPLehIsLeWgk LehIs m a P So M at Sootfc BKklakun Pa PaMfeMAdraKtU 1 11Ic1u1HU5 lsMaesthaeettoMfeMAdraKtU Aesiea ts hocus laiKHd I at AM AMMfcfaigan Am1Ient AmW1Ient 1IentWW aa w ra Venaeet Vemoe lilt I IIicbipa Mi44sisoti Mi44sisotiiIthtanMfcfaigan iIthtan TS Nt Illinois at Ann Arkar ArkarlAwicnce r rJaWftllle trhusrIAWrtlirelAwicnce TS n Habit 1 at IteWC IteWCMhmesiMa UtllklIi1n1M 114654MiannetaMhmesiMa TS 18 Ass at aihniBiiina aihniBiiinaWttcwMb 11 11W MinIsP MinIsPWImaibiWttcwMb W Ta North ortII Dakota at atIt JlaiHaan JlaiHaanHodwetcr IladissisltodtndoyHodwetcr It Ta Hamilton lIaUt at CHotMi CHotMiJohns cwJolt CheleseJokesJohns Jolt IIopMHt II n n Mt Mt WaIMSStan uMa sn at Wt lt WadS WuhNew WuIt1cm1 WadSIerdsie >1cm1 ft Vsi i at Waie V 11 iSslNewNew 8 Hniapahire TS UomMrUott hesftuu State at DarkcmWaAteeAw Darkcm DllrJlllmWashhadaR DsersamWathtWaAteeAw Watht toa ra 1etm MWUrj tI at tiktMcr tiktMcrHety ihteSerIlely tHlCer tHlCernHety n those n Wuieste V fcn c ster er Took at Wonester WonesterAlex WCIMFAlex anater anater1exAlex Smith Wins Wiu in at Golf GolfNewark GolfNewark GolfNewarkNewark N No J Oct 2 IThe TIie first annual annualchampionship annualchampionship mnualchamplonllblpchampionship of the New Eastern Pro Professionals ProfflSSioRals Profeosiosials fessionals Golf Association As was 8 held vo voday iOdRY o odayday on the links of the Forest Hill Field FieldClub FieldClub FieldClubClub at at1S 36 holes medal I play pia The winner winnerwas wlnn wlnnWitS winnerwaswas Alexander Iexander Smith of Nassau tit titWestern tllVester tiuWesternWestern Vester champion He bad no difficulty difficultyin dl kml kmlInin beating Alexander AI ander Tampbeii R1pbell o ot of Dos I3ost Doston Thistflt ton n by three strokes and was six Ix atrokes atrokesbetter Jtroktsbetter utrokesimetterbetter than David Hunter and Georgj Geo GeoThom Geor GeorThomsonThomson Thom o both of New Jersey Tprst who tied tiedfor tiedfOf tiedforfor third place The scores or without wltho9t rx rxception axception x xeeptionception were Wf > re high resulting r sulting from damp dampspots 11ablpspots dalnpspots Ispots on the course adhere to the balls ha1t The Tb links Jink were wereopened WlE WlEopened VE VEopenedopened only onl recently ltt1y and the ilralnag dralnag1u5 rn1nagwas was therefore still tlU poorSWEEP BY M NAVY Y YARD YARDDepartment YARDDepaltJnent YARDDepartmentDepartment Leaders Cleaned CleanedUp CleanedUl CleanedUpUp > Postoffice Bowlers BowlesINDEX EovlersINDEX BowlersINDEXINDEX TEAM BEAT EAT COWBOYS COWBOYSWinning OOVTBOYSVlnlllnJ COWBOYSVinnlngWinning Quint In Irlntiiipr Ofllce OfllceLenRiic OffieeLenJlIc 0111ccLeagueLeague Rolln n 1toiI Bank Clerks Vnll to Win Viti n Contest Contcitfront Conte Contestfront t tfromfront the Florists FloristsDoulpic Double Set SetIJnyctl SetIJncel SetlJuryedIJnyctl in Temple Lenjcfiie LenjcfiieNaty lenJueNa LengueNavyNavy Na Yard I Is making a runaway race raceof raftof raceofof thu Dtnartmental Lecgue and no team teams t tHO tmmsuens HO suen am able to check them With only onlyone onlYoneone 01 game nle lost in the season they last lastnight lastnSlIt lastnightnight cleaned up the set with the Post Postofllco Posto Poetuflicsofllco o l quint roUing two totals over Odd Oddand mn mnMnd 9110andand another six points under that mark markPoatofltee markJ marklostoMeoPoatofltee J ostollle was off their gfune in the lirE flrsttwo lirEtwo rst rstttwo t wo rounds rou ds Bishop being b g the only one onewho onewho onewhowho could keep in h Mo H stride and who whorolled whorolled whorolledrolled the only game over 3N for hi hiside hiaide his hissideside Mflier tUllei played a magnificent JM5n1ftcentfer game gamefor gameforfor the Navy his total being 3B Mand and211 11 T rAlbert lbert also ran a string ltd of 311 311Cowboys itCowoop 311CowbeysCowboys were easy 81 picking Index team In the Printing Office League LeagueThere Le LeagueThere gueThere was wa a big margin of pins in ineach liteaelt Ineacheach game 1De for or the latter Wiliness got a apoor apoorpoor start starthut but turned up In the second secondwith secondwithwith 3K and finished with 2ft 2ftThe IThe 3 3TheThe Florist Fl rl8ts woo throe tllr e highclass bl games gamesfrom games1rotnfrom the Bank dorks Clerk on the Palace Palacelleys Palacealleysalleys lleys in the second set in the District DistrictLeague DistrictLeagueLeague McLennan MeLe wua toppled over 215 Zi for forPiortoU forFlerletePiortoU U ra tlMTftrst the th Seat and Sebarf got a atotal atotal a atotaltotal of at II1ta to 1 the last for the Sank SankClerics BaRkClertc l3ankClerksClerics ClericsPhoenix ClerksPhoenixClertcPboeIItxPhoenix Club won OD three games nsm from fromthe fnMathe fromthethe Octagons in the Temple re aple League and andthe udtile andthethe Utopians made a dean sweep sweepe sweepethe of ofthe fttthethe series with the Imperials on opposite oppo Iteftlten oppositealleys oppositealleysalleys alleysGeneral ftltenk1M1a1 alleysOtnersiGeneral games bowled with the Southern five ve m mthe litthe hithethe Railway League Score ScoreDapAirnrtbmj Seereenurnt ScoresnrllisrtLDapAirnrtbmj nurnt nrllisrtL 1 Ix I4LWUMsy LJCAOUK LJCAOUKJMT 1n 1nXaXa JMT sy M w tt MI 11I P 0 fet fetTaftert ill JI JITrt 25 25TaihertTaftert 81 Dl oVFiafc sPrtlck U gick Ml 1 1IH II IIa 154p4sPp4sP a IH MtjSterweed Iaj raned 147 mxar OB M Mm 154irxar ir sa m ttt sumo isi1huwa taw M fl is 3 m mitt 111Ill 154MirMir itt m BsiWarf l w m 1JIatIt m mcMat MIQlacMat us l in 171lenIt imtWHn tat tatTatalsatItrbTatals MS M 8Mj Te4ais 7s MI > W t tG fll fllG 1GG I r O LKA6UE LKA6UEC LKGCEJC 1IIIda to m mi MeAkss 1kAIHa Aitsa m m m m1B9 IStftIiPIr 1 1ehhetftIiPIr 1M II DIi se 1B9 1M m mENnw 1ftns inDuporENnw 1ST m nttSMna nttSMnallcsaaU I s 1ft III MI MIallcsaaU 1 tt 0 us t XeVSaiKlai m miOMcn MI 154 154iomiOMcn 1 iom IB n HBiVT HBiVTTMak IJIIw lZWUsa 1 3M MIThisla S SfaTMak n fa 7 7W W Ta Tsiah ab M 1MDISTJtlcr SO 5 9M 9MDISTRICT 045DtSrnlrDISTRICT DtSrnlr1It45I LBAOUB LBAOUBIU LLGUK1Int1It45I IU kCfca lat 14 9s JCt l Pasrtat Itt ni L M MWalter mWar= = =Walter El IS IV lOJOoat 3 cns m Hi Hiist anriseaist m m ml mlBawtej 1111r lMlSbman MI MI MI MIJw46yBawtej Ml lit m IIIjSthslir iSclldar 3chaCcr IK M W MIObesMI WSBObesMI SB 11 Bajr Bajrm I1 MeLsmes 254 11 11iIIIIIIIf MisdiIIIIIIIf m m aal is l1wa 111 154 lit litI iiiTclak7541 I i imIeWL m m 1 nr IIj Tata TtDIL i iTKXVUK Ml sa saTDIU 13 MI MITZXLUTKXVUK uwaus uwausIkaorfx LLC1VEI IttUVLPlasalaIkaorfx I lat tt M 3d 34J Ortaaaa lot 1M tt 3i 3im 34 34Phi1 Phi I Dr m Miisari Man m m IIIIIIIiIIIft m E Em 0assass m tn m lltanana ntm ntmBaffimi MI MI 115 115OdoeSTBaffimi W VI Macr 99 m m mFbM 715h4FbM IV 0 eSMiMIdS W Men 99 15116 15116Ysm M e K f6Yc KYsnstYsnst Ysm m ix m inNeaia12t tim m m 1 m mtt hi112 MI MI T TIIIiIIfriaJL Tonk Tonk1oslahIIIiIIfriaJL Ill 25 JIL 25 U 1Jtlas tt M MKoinsdnsi IlLHi 25la4ho4Nfl4Koinsdnsi la4ho4Nfl4 m w 197 MIWofi w dI a m MIStrom m m ma iiiIIIStrom III ID > a MNs MM MMIttaaiiafili HId a m mmaccdrl 132fteitidIttaaiiafili 117 M IX Dllnlll HhMUsfaM Iff W Kt KtUBMaa IIUIIMua 141UThueaUBMaa W 1 W 87 bM ladS IBS 1ill 6 HE W Wm 151inSUII5ill I l IS 124 inSUII5 IX litTush II IIrr Tush MI m mn T TotaJ TotaJI Tot uia > m m MIdS ts tsRAILWAYdS I I ndkd eaand sL sLItAILWAYRAILWAY RAILWAYOf YIaflI1Jt YIaflI1Jtw hI1t1lf hI1t1lfGusGus 1 1M In iMlD 111I DI DIiii iso isoll iii I MI 1140r IIJ1tI 151 III IIIDr MI MIAndsurnAndsurn Dr 1 115 m1LMtImha 1t 1tIeIIt 1tIeIItMIIIIIIU 354 325 325MesmLMIIIIIIU MI II MItKSsh 111 5 131 1310IrIIIrra Mi1150IrIIIrra 111 III l MIS31c4R46e is or orI orTetaII 115 115TotalsITotals SB ZST 1II at Tataat TO TODISTKICT 7 114 114JISTXICT 754fl1STX1CTDISTKICT DUCKPIX LBA6UK LBA6UKarta LBAGCIllilt LIIAGUs1mt1mt arta bttt3ft lilt hi 25 x 25 Gwts lat lit tt IlL 2525 2525Motosts M Mt II IIJWieItsJWieIts MI ai t aBarteL aBarteLMtair BIneL BIneLI 15 15 15 15KhsKhs 15 I 1iIIk 15 II 05 051imd1 1imd II M 1itslaa 15 45 a aoaos0 oaos 54 15 Mtair 4hsha Ma MaTatakt Mee JI is II II5lhrr 31bb 54 it 5lhrr isjiiosr a 9 iiTab II IImTab m m 4 t m is NaIl NaIlThe 4S tX 4 4The us usTheThe BrecchMechanteai llt team won the theset thewt theactset of games e8 over the Forge Shop team of ofthe 0the ofthethe Navy Yard League by b forfeiture last lastnight JutnIg1at InstnIghtnight The Forge Shop men failed to put putin putIn poutInin an appearance appeara Rather than leave the thealkys thealkY8 thealleysalleys without a game they consented to toroM toroll toioilroM the th balls with the Capitol Calt l Hill team teaman te teaman m mAnan organIzation formed of the patrons of ofth ftlK oftheth the CapItol Hill Bowling Alley The TheBreechMechanism ThehMfChanl8m TheBreechMechanismBreechMechanism hMfChanl8m team won an n easy vic victory victor vietor tor tory over th t the scrubs The showing sbo 1ng that thatthe thatthethe Capitol Hill team made is considered consideredvery eonsJdreTfl considerediervery ier good ae this tbi Is the first ftn time that thatthey thRtthy thattheythey have ever pMy 1indyed d against t a league leagueteam lea leagueteam e ett team The score B M team 7K 7SS 79 79Capitol iSICapitol 751CapitOlCapitol Hill iiI 79 mBOWLING SCHEDULES SCHEDULESPalace SCHEDULESD1unTIR1 SCHEDULESDis1AUTMTUD1unTIR1 L LBAGUB LBAGUBr LMIGUUPalacePalace r alieys alieysW4iyC rja rjaDISTUICT >W W4iyC f = = es C1IttreaL C1IttreaL11Mr llereaa llereaaThutndsylaieriorThutndsylaierior 11Mr 111 111TrcaMrJ a a1reyTroeasry1reyTroeasry TrcaMrJ TIL is CesMarsa sail Lar LarmsrltlCT LaberDISTIIICTDISTUICT IB 1KOUi 1KOUiW lLLGIY lLLGIYWedwiy OL E EurAcamW Wedwiy urAcam YK MaAH H HTfcatrtayMarttu ilaiw Pales raaTllillMlaJlI1DriIU Palesactsacts actsTheslayP1erMis >TfcatrtayMarttu TS Satsatrtnail SatsatrtnailFriSayOriaAate SesspIleusd sa na naalleJL flaibsiuduur flaibsiuduuraeysalleJL aeys aeysFri4uOdeialealleJL1riIII1I0rieIIa FriSayOriaAate n n z Gashes G Palest lt alfeya alfeyaXKL Il IlKKL kcta11LLXKL BSTATB WtAGUK WtAGUKlaawe LGUHHaJrree L15AGIIIIp5145laawe HaJrreeWIe p5145WoSaisdaylotenac alters altersUfUf WIe jMaa jlaUawc n Mwjftn MwjftnFrafer I Ir Lewyeuolr4ep4olasbiaFrafer lr4ep4olasbia r CokmMa PS TI CMy lied Itatt1LATB 1IalllL liedPLITE1LATB lL TK ntlXTBRS Pltl TBItS LKVGU LKVGUVSISTISG LKCUE LKCUEnlnrIt LEtCUEnraadesnlnrIt nlnrItl1NrftIrJblcaIO allays allayslpleyIosgol1NrftIrJblcaIO n jW llt lltSaW York YorkSitisdsySLSaW Louis ft ft11U ye a4dP5SS a4dP5SSr1ilrlsVSISTISG 11U TIXG OFFICB LEAGUE LB1UEPales alleys a1koJaIteterfta A Alr g gliReiervosliReiervos Iteterfta ft a airlctAdIe xa xalMIaJettelr lMIaJette arAehe vs n 1 Vtomitr VtomitrG I IGG P 1 O HINDERS1 LEAGUEViiliiiisayCawbajs r IiBt1UERepel LEAGUE BCUECC ep Miots MiotsWoSaiiCanbepe j jWW ViiliiiisayCawbajs ViiliiiisayCawbajsXAVY 1S ra srI srIJJIIItrlClIIIrs StampersYdlepItilarsJJIIItrlClIIIrs YJ UtdM UtdMY UaIeaaNtvYXAVY Y YARD LHVGUB LHVGUBCapMai LKOURCa JJBACU1lcalca CapMai Ca HAl aMeie1 aMeie1SKiminrj a aheisWh4seS0Seeeeir7 lCJl lCJll1Wh4seS0Seeeeir7 SKiminrj l1 Majwt t iMiap beu TV s W Wea at Gem GHBSUNDAYSCHOOL Gemo Canciagio ciagi SIItp is5LaractOusaractOus SIItpSMp Shop Ye Bait 0 00meShIp 00meShIpJlIwHrJ MnS MnSPiPi JlIwHrJ TI h hSUNDA Eradhig Shp ShpSUDAYCHOOLSUNDAYSCHOOL SUNDA Xcuoor LKGaB LKGaBYOI LYOURYYOI Y Si 1 C A allays attejeINTEHKATIOXAL 3BeJI allaysWNsOUMIseSPtWNsOUMIseSPt I PIcuM 5 CalVary cJftQWaHnt CalVary1rNayWosern1rNayWosern WaHnt a HeiIMIIIJ lIsthasyINTERNATIONtLINTEHKATIOXAL 1 TEItX TlOXJ UKAGUE UKAGUEItojal IBGUBtllo1 LAaUEII loyal attoja attojatistrfirir a aW aWmkySlxtbW WmkySlxtb tistrfirir xtlt TO ft W WPricIKat catMtaMtr VeMMItaIerIsricyot catMtaMtrIWRyatIWRyat Madca IMt TS TSo Marvta MarvtaDOCKPIN Mar4nDUCKPU lantILDUCKrlXDOCKPIN LKAGUX LKAGUXWwtoeKteyKaateni L1CGUCWHMtera L15iGUXWSIIs4KyIIadURWwtoeKteyKaateni m R n1e RIndele feke Kalh n fletlabelior fletlabelioral eilcr eilcrTliaiiiar kf kfAal alTha445attihatssi Tliaiiiar Tha445attihatssi A AtHagtaa n Walk Over oD Dabbtrti DabbtrtitttTa Debbortsallays bIrt bIrttJIrJeallays tJIrJeIJtlar5trtUMnen allayslMlsySnitheraem tttTa tttTaII IJtlar5trtUMnen lsarSMtlMnMn n TL Bsnta Jlar Uodies alleys aHejsBASKETBALL alklssBASI alleysBASKETBALLBASKETBALL BASI ETBALL SCHEDULE SCHEDULECITYCITY LBAGUB LBGUHWlliMalQConeNM LIMGUIIWadseolayCoretaussyWaibMsiayCocearam vs TSOt OBJKOW 1IR5 aL CaMer C r Mar MarTlMKAdRTGaiMik MarMet 111 1111Iet Met Jsuuny JsuunyThaceyCaadlla1Ietl1MIrMrtcan6 TlMKAdRTGaiMik w StWMrttka at CarrftH Ia Iastttvte I Is InMimicstttvte stttvteSatanfeyY s MimicSsimokyYSatanfeyY 71 M 11C C A 1 ta a 0 UaJtll ai and d I at Y 2L M a aGiiBATBR CA01m C CAA01m A Gymnsailam GymnsailamolttTicrA01mGIUCATBItGiiBATBR VASHITOTON SHI G1O > IBAGUE IBAGUEFrWayOnlwajns MkOUE1IridAOnlWQS 1ACUaYrideyOnlwaaFrWayOnlwajns n n OHaraiasiencrs W f L L I IArmorr JnnllQ 7tnnuryt tPLTGIIISTICArmorr nnllQPl7GIIISlICCALESDAU Pl7GIIISlICCALESDAUOdle PUGIIJSTIC CALENDAROctebor CALENDAR CALEXDAKOctoberOctober Odle SiBenny Yse Ya gtr w teStere te Ste Stere 1 KNwjr atDa atDsort at atDaDsort Da npart la 5ft 5ftOetobrr flfteai NtMIIIkr rwmAs rwmAsOctoberOctober r 39ibe > AttaM n TS s Hany Bak Bakec at 1M1tgek LasAspoki Las LacAttacksAttacks 1tgek tt tH MtT TINHldS IIIItIsOetelJrr resideOttabar TINHldSOetobrrOetobrr MA1 Kauffiwn JBSa w Sam Sa Barnr at Salt SaltF11IRCi SeaFrascieco SaltPrsMtaooPrsMtaoo eo twtnlj mantle mantleNovember nwmfeXoTwaberNovember 2Dfck Dlek HTtaml Hyl ntl TL T G George DectaL DectaLOte Declrtr atOgden at atOplefiOgden Utah tWftttf tw ty rtwmd re dtII reaOdS rtwmdNowmberS Nowmber I ber 5Huge ft U g Krily T1 r Dave D TC Barry at Dn Dnrupert flatculart D T Tcuputrupert la Hfteen namdXOYfmbcT TOlOthonmbrr nwnds nwndsNornnbrrI Nornnbrr 211Jark 2 Jack ark OBrien m Ttmmjr Barns at1M atLv at atLosLos Lv Anjetes tneles Dtli twenty rotmdsTRACK AND TURf NOTES NOTESAfter NOTESI NOTESAfter NOTESAfterIAfter the cloven days of racing is over overat overat overatat Jamaica TamttI thsecno tll sceno will again shift to toAqueduct toAquOduct toAqueductAqueduct and that meeting will wind up upthe upUte upthethe racing of the Metropolitan circuit circuitMost circuitMost circuitMostMost of the owners will scatter to th thSouth thSouth the theSouthSouth and West V t with tholr th thqlr r horses hor es Som Somwill Sotnwillwill wait and campaign the animate at atWashington lt ltWashington itWashingtonWashington and Baltimore B lUmore while others otherswill otherswill tJtf tJtfwill 1will continue right on to New Orleans Orleansand Orl Orleansand and the two t o tracks In California A goo good gooilmany many man of the mere prominent stables will willgo willo willgogo o Into retirement reUrtmtentfol reUrement1for j for the winter season seasonBrighton sessotuBrighton eR 11 11BrightonBrighton seems 1D6 to tobe be getting more pcpu pcpular pcpuJar pepsilarlar than ever with owners and tralnerr tralnerrIji tralneJTlAst tralnerrLastIji lAst t year was thought to have been b n an anExcellent anccellent arxcelicntExcellent ccellent one for stake entries but the thecoming thecomlnr thecomingcoming one will be much better than ever everIt everIt everItIt appears that for the stakc which whichclosed whichcloeed whichclosedclosed las Monday the number of en entries entries n ntries tries to about 26 per cent greater Th ThBrighton Thr1gtton The TheBrIgttoBrighton Junior has 119 against ag lnat ninety ninetyfour nlnetyfour ninetyfourfour for this year while the Neptune NeptuneStages NeptuneS NeptuneSutlStages S Sutl oa has 111 U against elghtyflve elghty ve The TheYeitHs TheYen TheYeastsYeasts Yen picked ked up eight more entries than thanformerly thnnonMeJ1y thanformerlyformerly and the Brighton Derby jumped jumpedfrom jumpfdfrom jumpedfromfrom seventyeight to 103 The Iroquois Iroquotewenb InHlol8w Iroquoisweakweak w at from sixtyeight to ninetyfour and amithe anf1the andthethe Queen Q Stakes 5tAk the new event to take takeplace tak takplace takeplaceplace of the t Oaks received liftyftve en entries t entries n ntriClllTllfli tries triClllTllfli Ttohi This te l a great sr t showing for Brigh Brighton Brighton Brighton ton tonPrlerdsFriends of Joint J McCafccrty M rty who whowant whQwmt whowantwant to have ve iiitn him reinstated by the Pa Pacific Potcute Pmtdde cute Coast Jockey T Club say 1 that he has hasin hasIn hasInin his pMsere44n n a letter from from the man manwho 1inwho manwhowho purchased The Huguenot from him himsetting him himsettingsetting forth the fact that the old horse horsewho 110 110who horsewhowho died rreoaUy won a number of ofgood of18 ofgoodgood races 18 wltb without ut the use of stimulants stimulantsinin any form McCaJTerty make the un unQHaitfted unquialltkdQHaitfted q asaertion a rtlon by the way w that after afterThe alterTheThe Huguenot was v bought out of a sell sellIng eUIn5 sellloglog race from rem him at t Ascot Park last lastwinter lastwinterwinter a job was Axed up to show traces tracesof tracesofof dope with the idea of Incriminating Incriminatinghim IncrtmlnaU Incriminatinghim J Jhimhim Horsemen who are familiar with withthe v1tht withthethe t feud between McCafferty and Boots BootsDurnell DcMKsDamell Bootsforfeitforfeit which finally resulted in both bothmen bethmen bothnestmen being ruled off tile turf declare d lare that thatIB thatin t tJaIB view Iew of the t recent re reinstatement nePt of ofBurnett ofDar ofBursallDar ell the PacMc Coast Jockey Club in injustice InJ Injusticejustice J to McC McOfltrerty Mctfferty fferty should lift the ban banforthwith bsnfortbwttb banforthwithforthwith forthwithHorsemen fortbwttbHar forthwithHorsemenHorsemen emea inland l f to go to California for forthe forthe forthethe winter campaign ca in large numbers numbersBoots Ja numbersflouts rs rsBootsBoots DanieL S S C Hftdreth Walter WalterJennings WaJt WalterJeindngs r rJenuhtt8Jennings IF T Griffin Frank Reagan ReaganB Rea ReaganUsraey an anYB Usraey m y Sehreifeer J L L I Holland J JJoIuJIIon M MJohnson 3 3JohnaonJohnson and others have made arrange arrangements arra arrangeinets f e eakeadJ ments already Schrrtber will have about abouteighty aboutetply abouteightyeighty horses on the Coast Coa t dixkHng them themup thf themup > m mupup between Los Angeles and Oakland OaklandJockeys OaktandToekep OaklandJockeysJockeys Miller Radtke Radtke L k I Williams WilliamsKnapt WI11IaIMKnaPlt WilliamsKnappKnapp Dugnn Du n Schade Heatherton J JJowee TT0Qfti JJonesJones HlUebrand and Brussel will ride ridethere ricktMre rolethercthere Knapp has signed with 1th Hildreth HildrethMiller HllclrethJU1Ier HiidrethhillierMiller is under contract ntract to Tom Williams WilliamsL WIlliamsLL 1 Wimanm ttam will ride again for Jennings Jenningsland TnIdJlfSIUId Jenislngsandland Heatbertoo a promising Ig apprentice apprenticewill apprent apprentv111 apprenticewillwill be taken West by Reagan Re san The Thewinter Thewtater Thewinterwinter season will open at New Orleans Orleansthte OriPanat Orleansthisthis t year en November 24 4 the Saturday Saturdaybefore Saturdaybefore Saturdaybeforebefore Thanksgiving Day DayIn DAyIa DayInIn regard tor a proposed match race racebetween racebet racebetweenbetween bet Roecben nOtie and Lady Amelia at AtJIc atJamsica jJamaica Jack Joyner said that he would wouldeoftnent wouldCIINIeIIt wouldconsentconsent to a meeting tMe ng between bet ween the two twosprinters twoprtters twosprinterssprinters provWi providing s the distance Quid oouWbe Quidbe couldbebe limited to five furlongs fu but at that thathe thatlie thathehe declared h los was not overanxious for a amauch aJIMLtdI amatchmatch because of the uncertain weather weatherand weatheraatI weatherandand track conditions This probably probablyi probablymeaDS probablymeansi means that there will be no match but buttt butthat i ithatthat Itaseben wilt be retired for the sea season Masou season son after a couple more races racesGRIDIRON racesGRIDIRON racesGRIDIRONGRIDIRON GOSSIP GOSSIPYale GOSSIPY GOSSIPYaleiYale Y Yalei goal line docs oM 4oe not bear the foot footiwtat footIItnt footprintprint of an opposing oppo player playerCarlisle JJIay JJIayCarti playerOarlisleCarlisle le Indians are going lOIn tn use two twosets tNOseta twozetasets of backs In each of their big games gamesSbeMe gamest gainesShelilt SbeMe who has been declared 1ared a failure failureatat quarter bade for Or Pennsylvania P haia played playedstar playedMar playetiaa star game last Saturdjr SaturdjrCornell SatUnl7 SatUnl7eorH SEuz SEuzcornellCornell has the record recort SCOT SC9Ie for eeii eeiitogas coJ coJ1tM42 cokleesfltogas leesfl 1tM42 7 to 0ngnlitst 0 galftBt Bow feet Sat SatnoSay Sat1K SaturdaynoSay Carttate maul S2 m In a contest contestearly COftwaearlr contestearlyearly m 1ft the season s but It is tenet not ilgured ilguredI ed edasI 1 as a college eoIIegeMJchJan collegeMichiganMichigan I Ohio State Unirermy C UnirermyThat ty tyThat 0 0ThatThat score looks out of i JIaee > toee some somehow aomehow somehow how Last year It was Be 4 to I Michigan MichiganIsIs not riding rough shod over 0 the smaler smalerelevens RnaCereIeftn8 nsnaLeroleveunelevens this year yearCoach yeare yearCoachCoach BIn Reid expecte to put up a apouting aJRllltiag apuntiigpouting game when bea tile Harvard tem teojnmftec tMmtIIIt temmeetSmeetS West tIIIt Point next Saturday Two Twoyear Two7en Tw Twyearsyear ago only a place kick dec kept pt liar Harvard HarI HarIYard liaryard Yard from being abut at out at West WestPoint WestPoint 1 1PoIntPoint PointLittle PointLittle ILittle Hadsora Had om the old tbx tlropkicker tlropkickereays Iropkck Iropkckttthe pklcker pklckersayssays that ttthe ibe 1 new rules rul s were made for forthe lorthe forthethe Indfahs and j that If Carlisle played playedPenn playOOPmn playedPennPenn Sate on Novembaf 1 they tit would wouldbeat 1OU1dbMt wouldbestbeat them II to 0 Penn Pea State beat Car Carlisle Carlisle Carlisle lisle 4 to toAnnapolis fl flAnnaPiHb 0 0AnnapolisAnnapolis will 111 lose the > services of ofCap ofCapt ofCaptCapt Spencer ai least two weeks through throughthe throughthe throughthethe injury to one of his knees received receivedhiIn the game with Lehigh last Saturday SaturdayFullback SaturdayFullbaek SaturdayFullbackFullback Northcroft is stilt unable to totak 10takf totaketak take part in the practice scrimmage scrimmageNew acrhnmagouNew rimmag rimmagNewNew York the biggest city in the coon country Ountry coontry try gets the football game this year wor worthy wQrthy wtrthy thy the nane nacPriMeton Princeton and Cornell CornellColumbia CornellCoIubIa CornellColumbiaColumbia has put the game on the rack rackl rackIUM rackamIUM l the other colleges eoIle es on the big island Islandt islandm6wntm6wnt luat t to nothing in the gridiron game gameTh gameThe gameTheTh The cowtructtan of 2000 OOO mor nt ninra r seats for fortfce forttte forthetfce YsrfeHarvnrd Y Harvard game which was be begun be beblROII begun gun blROII on Monday will bring the seating ca capnetty caJKtt caporitypnetty JKtt of the Yale field up to about aboutSUM aboutEvarts about310SSUM Evarts Wrenn of Chicago for tormerly wr wrmery formanymerly many of Harvard has been chosen um umpire um umpIr lintpire pire pIr for the YalePrinceton Y lPrlnceton game and andformer andformer 00 00fOratformer fOrat r Capt Hackett of West Point Pointwill Point Pointwtli Pointwillwill be the referee refereeYale refereeYaJe refereeYaleYale may never give Penn State an another another I Iotherother game Last Saturday Sttturde the Pennsyl Pennsylvnnians PenMlIvaJ Pennsyivnlauisvnnians vaJ engaged in slugging and repeat repeatedly repMledIy repeatedly edly violated the rules The visitors kept keptthe keptthe keptthethe Yale eleven l ven and the spectators wait waitlng vnlting Jt JttitStitS half an hour in the pouring rain be before be beiere before fore they came upon the field eld and no nosatisfactory JtOUsectot nosatisfactorysatisfactory excuse was wa given for hold holding hoIdj holdlag lag j up the gamelales Yaie close call from Penn State last lastSaturday Nuniturdrty heelSturdaySaturday resulted in a shakeup b keu of the theNew theNew theNewNew Haven eleven Chief among the theshifts the3hlfUi theshiftsshifts was 88 the th moving of the veteran veterantackle veterantackle veterantackletackle Bob Forbes out to end and plac placing placIng pinetag ing Paige at left l t tackle Reward Jpnes Jpneswas Tpne8IlS Jpneecswas IlS sont to the second team where whrelle whrelleIftust Jie Jiemust iieiiiimtmust work wor his way wa up to the big eleven elevenAnother elevenAnother elevenAnotherAnother change was the thcdroppiRg dropping of otiHl otiHlfrom Gil Gillies Gillles lies from center center and the substitution of ofpuhbar ofDuObarpuhbar Brlde Brl Cfr has supplanted s pplanted Hocken Hockenberger Hocken1HrSor Hockonbergerberger aC a left guard and Is the perma permanent permaRent permasent Rent choice for 01 the place Dines whoran whoran who whoranran the team rather Ineffectively Ineffective at attimes AtUme atUmestimes against Penn State has been shift shifted sbifted shiftoil ed to the third eleven and Veeder the theold theold theoldold quarter buck bR Jt Is again In that Import Important ImJ Important Qrt QrtIL > ant IL t position P sltlon Tad Jones has recovered recoveredfrom reooeredfrom recoveredfromfrom lib injury and joined the squad in inpractice Inpractice Inpracticepractice this week weekJohnny weekJ weekJohnnyJohnny J JlJ1n Evcrs Ee R Royal Welcome WelcomeI WelcomeJohnny Vc1comcTohnnyI Johnny Elvers Eersthe vers the Chicago Cubs second secondbaseman secondnl8s secondbasemanbaseman nl8s was given a royal ro ltl welcome welcon e upon uponhis uponhis uponhishis return to his borne at Troy from Chi Chicago CltiCKgO Chicage cage One On thousand five hundred unli unliformod unfirOml unilformedformed rOml amateur players and 2000 QO citizens citizensmarshalled citizensftMIrsnafied citizensmarshalledmarshalled in throe divisions met the theplayer thepIaer tileplayerplayer at the tI depot t and after a parade parudfover parudooer paradeoreover ore the theprlnclpat principal streets marched matCh d to the theItenseelear thelte theltenseiearItenseelear lte 8Et > 1eftr Hotel where a mammoth ban banquet banqUet baniDl quet iDl t was held In Evers Ev rs honor 1Onor Deputy DeputyCity Dep DeputyCIty ty tyCityCity Comptroller C m troUCK Nugent Nug nt presided Evers Everswas EetsWft8 Everswaswas presented with a silver loving cup by byClub bythem bythethem the members mbers or 5t To Josephs epls Ca Catmolk CatmolkClub o1f o1fClubClub and front rem the Troy Lodge of Elks Elksbe Elkshebe 1 received 1 Med a handsome handso 1f dh diamond non 1 ring ringvalued ring1ued ringvaluedvalued 1ued at WO Evers Ecrsls Is a nephew of the thewellkndwn theweJlkncJwn thewellkndwnwellkndwn and nnd popular exbull player playerTommy pln playerTommy er erTommyTommy Evers of this Uti city cityPitcher cityiteher citylitchierBecbePitcher litchierBecbe Bcebc to to JoIn Benedict BenedictChicago BcnedlctChicago BenedletsChicagoChicago Oct O t 2J 2iFred Fred Bebe former formerpitcher formeznftcher formeapitcherpitcher for the theC Cubs s and now with the tluSL thiSt theStSL St Louis National League Ball Club Is s stlJ stlJwed tt ttwed towedwed MISS Maud Mnq l Standard of ofOahkosb ofOahkosbWls Oahkosli OahkosliVV38 OshkoshiatVV38 at his home Lu T Grange HI ilLmorrow > H w wmorrow g gmorrowmorrow night It wps W is B white pitching fibi fibithe 1b1t1ie lbxtIiethe Ophkosh O hkosl1 team that Beebe met Miss MisStandard 1isStu1dlJd MissStandardStandard Stu1dlJd Stu1dlJdiiWellbuilt Dress DressClothes DressClothes DressClothesandClothes Clothesand and Accessories AccessoriesIfk If the social 1 season smtsonfinds 3falilOnfinds seasontN73rtN73r finds flj you in ned of a aDress tDress itaIaI ijj Dress Suit Suit Tuxedo TuxedoWalBtcoal TuxcdtIthtcott C CIVtWalBtcoal IVt Ithtcott Linens ns or orFootwear orJoootwear orIFootwear the Bleber BleberKaufman BleberKauCman BleberKaufmanI Kaufman display will willprove willprof willproveprove of interest interestA Intf t tAA line of f wellbuilt wellbuiltdress wellbuiltdresS Ihullt IhulltdrMdress togs at consider considerably eousiiderably ollid > r rably ably lens I than you OU im imagine Ima imagine agine agineTHE a agineTHE n nTHEITHE BIEBERKAUFMAN CO CODown CODown COPowebyDown Poweby by the ftavyYard ftlVY Yrd901909 801909 Eighth Street 5tr ot S E EUNBAYOCTOBER 28 3 PM PMTHE P M MTHETHE CLUB CLiJBFOR CLV MEETING MEETINGFOR MEETINGFORFOR MEN MENff M C A Gymnasium1736 G St N W WROBT WROBTGFREEMAN WROOTROOT ROBTGFREEMAN ROBTGFREEMANOf G FREEMAN FREEMANOfOf Buffalo BuffaloYRICMALE QUARTET QUARTETASSOCIATION QUARTETASSOCIATION QUARTETASSOCIATIONASSOCIATION ORCHESTRA ORCHESTRAFOR ORCHESTRAFOR ORCHESTRflFORFOR MEN MENFegans MEN1T9S1 1ITSITS ITSPURE 1T9SPUREPURE PUREFegans PUREFegansFegans FegansGRANVILLE FegansGRANVILLE FegansRANVILLEGRANVILLE GRANVILLERYE GRANVILLERYE RANVILLERYERYE WHISKEY WHISKEYS100 WIIS KEYS100 100 Full Quart QuartDelivered QuartDelivercd QuartDeliveredDelivered to any pert of the city citySchlltx cityShlitz dtyShIItzSchlltx Atlas Beer r oa Draught DraughtJoseph DrauttltJoseph DraughtJosephJoseph P Fegan FeganBARBAR406 Ninth St N W WJ WSPECIALTY wJAMES WJAMESJAMES J J5 CROWLEY CROWLEYSPECIALTY CROWLEYSPECIALTYSPECIALTY SPECIALTYCRITERION SPECIALTYCR1TERONCRITERION RYE100 FULL QUART QUARTBUFFET QUARTBUFFET QUARTBUFFETBUFFETH831 14th STREET N W WPhone WPhonc WPhonePhone m 3644 3644YOUVE 3644to a a t a a t a a a at e 4 4TOUYEt YOUVE TRIED THE REST nsraw ROW USE SE THE BEST BESTMONASTERY BESTMONASTERYJOWYM MONASTERY K fii BEER BEERi BEERCASE RBEST ii rs CASE CASEGRAY CASEGRAYj GRAY FRIAR RYE RYE RYEi it1 FULL QUART QUARTt t tt t tLOUISBUSH5t LQUIS1 LOUIS LOUISBUSH5 BUSH = JUSHt tt t + 1305 110 Pn Ave Phone 31 2G 2G1 001 > 7 7The t te0 e 0 C p a t a e e eS f ftS C C C 000 S C S C C S 4 +1 The Famous FamousHOOMAKER FamousMOOMAKERt SHOOMAKER HOOMAKER HOOMAKERPEN MOOMAKERPENRYE t ttPEN PENN PENRYE PENRYETeayearoldi25 ft RYE RYETea tt Tea T Teayearoldi25 ro year fea old d 125 125Oricr t 0 0Or4ubiiOricr 04 Or4ubii by phone phoneAlso pboerAlso pbosett + Also TEHSESSEE 1 Boltle Boltlef BoltieThe I t ttf + The Shoomaker Co CoEcaWiHrrd CoEitablided I It +t + EnaWMfced 1858 1858BASEBALL f fl+ l 1331 31EStN ESe N W TJv P1tone KrM Mia 1158nM 1158nMBASEBALL t tlitlit o 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BOWpcher newpitcherpitcher signed ed for 1JMCt next nex season in isshape the theshape tMshftpeshape of Roy Perkins Perk who pitched pI for St StPaul 5t 5tP StPaulPaul P ul this tit year yearJ yearT yearJJ Ed Grillo Grub the retiring re presWent oC oCthe efthe itthethe Toledo club clubw will l probably attend stteeiw stteeiwthe to toi itthei the business end of the new x xof masiagmaset masiagmasetof n 1At 1Atofof the Boston National League Lee team teamA t tA LOOMAA Western T IJI exchange e cbaJte says thai Ptal PIIIlTenney PundTenney1 Tenney bought an interest t in the tileclub flostom flostomclub lloeiinclubKlen thai be behas k khasclub just to show Umpire j jbashas the authority to search the theMY umpfrq JBJ JBJany L Lanyany time timeGeorge timeGeorge timeGeorgeGeorge Tebaaw fc It up to bis oW feioksi feioksiH tmGh tmGhHe trlo1LHaH He has now placed a draft vpan John JohnGanzcl TOhRGAnzel JohnCisnzeiGanzcl the flr lirE t baseman base wfcwm th thBeds the theReds h hRedsReds have secured for or next nextIs gea samsit on Tkai Tkaiis There Thereisis little chance of Tebeaus securing the Qttj aestllr thestarj starstarWhenWhen the National League Leasveclosed so soclosed season seasonclosedclosed for UK there were only hiSS play players IJII7erg ldo7erd ers in the organization who had toOto toOtofor 1Mtttet 1Mtttetfor hattedforfor over J9ft Wagner of Pittanmy PittanmyDonlin Pit PitDonlin Pitusr PitusrDonlinDonlin of New York and n4 Lumtey Lum of ofBrooklyn ofBrootlyn ofBrooklynBrooklyn Brootlyn were the lint three mea meaWith mtLWith menWithWith new managers at Washington WashingtonDetroit Wub Wubtr WashingtonDetroitDetroit tr tt Boston and probably Cleveland Clevebrndthere Clt Cltthere Clevelandtherethere should be something ont dDI doing te the theswapping theswapping I Iswappingswapping line this winter wta r Manager an U lr r Cnsi CnsiUllon cUllon CaetubaUllon undoubtedly Is s a keen chas chaptn3One i ianyone ead eadanyoneanyone who gets Ute edge on linn m mbe 111be nmi nmibebe wide ide awake awakeIndian aakIndian awakeIndianIndian Frank Judge jucl who playM pl 1f > 1 right rightfield tfield iightfieldfield for tho Cincinnati Red Red this wit witwas Ie Iewns 5O1t5 5O1t5was was fa familiarly r rmUirly miliarly called one of the grandest of ball ballplayers ballplayersplayers and a line type of man as well wellafter t eli elinftera n nafterafter nftera a brilliant and never to be e forgottru forgottrucareer forgottricareE s scareercareer > r on the th diamond field is now nowhe1ple nowhelpless 1 1helplesshelpless he1ple cripple from locomotor ataxia ataxiaand at ats xl1and is spending his last days in Massachu Massachusetts Maeachusctts Mancbusctts sctts 2ff7e9595c

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